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Saturday, July 27, 2024
39 C

Macroregional Context




Uzbekistan eliminates duty on building materials and wood imports

In a significant move to stimulate the construction and manufacturing sectors, the President of Uzbekistan has signed a decree that sets the customs duties on the import of various building materials and primary wood products to zero. Effective immediately, this policy adjustment will remain in place until January 1, 2025, and includes key materials such as timber, wood panels, plywood, formwork, energy-saving basalt coatings, polished glass, and cement.

This initiative is part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development of Uzbekistan’s construction sector, which is vital for the country’s economic growth and infrastructure expansion. By eliminating import duties on these essential materials, the government aims to reduce costs for construction companies and manufacturers, thereby encouraging more projects and investments in the building industry.

Implications for the Construction and Related Industries

The removal of import duties is expected to lower the costs of raw materials significantly, making it more economical for companies to procure high-quality materials from international markets. This could lead to increased construction activities, enhanced quality of construction, and more competitive pricing in the domestic market.

For the furniture and home goods industry, particularly those that rely on wood products and glass, this could mean reduced costs in material sourcing and potentially lower prices for end consumers. It may also spur innovation and expansion within local industries as businesses take advantage of more accessible resources.

Additionally, this decree could attract foreign investment into Uzbekistan’s construction and manufacturing sectors, as lower material costs and an improved regulatory environment make the country a more attractive investment destination.

Companies operating within these sectors should consider revising their procurement strategies and supply chain logistics to maximize the benefits from this new policy. This could be an opportune time for businesses to expand operations or enter new markets within Uzbekistan, leveraging the cost reductions for competitive advantage.

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