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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Macroregional Context




Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic signed agreements worth over €800 million

In a landmark meeting, Uzbekistan’s Prime Minister Abdullah Aripov, during his official visit to the Czech Republic, discussed with Czech President Petr Pavel the vast potential for enhanced bilateral cooperation across various sectors. The discussion covered areas critical to both nations including trade, economics, energy, transport, tourism, culture, humanitarian efforts, higher education, and research. This meeting underscored a mutual commitment to deepen ties and promote shared interests.

During this visit, the delegation toured several Czech enterprises, gaining insights into advanced production technologies—a move signaling Uzbekistan’s interest in modernizing its own industrial sectors. Notably, the visit culminated in the signing of investment and trade agreements valued at over €800 million, marking a significant milestone in the economic relationship between the two countries.

A key aspect of the agreements is the collaboration in product testing and certification, allowing Uzbek products to meet the stringent standards and technical regulations of the European Union. This agreement aims to facilitate the export of Uzbekistan-manufactured industrial products with the coveted CE mark, enhancing their competitiveness in the European market.

The strengthening of these economic ties is further evidenced by the robust growth in mutual trade, which has seen a nearly 2.5-fold increase from January to August. This surge is partly attributed to Uzbekistan’s accession to the European Union’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP+), which has been a significant factor in boosting trade volumes.

Moreover, approximately 50 enterprises with Czech capital are currently operating in Uzbekistan, showcasing the Czech Republic’s role as an important foreign investor in Uzbekistan. This growing economic collaboration reflects not only on the burgeoning trade figures but also on the strategic positioning of Uzbekistan within the European economic landscape.

This dynamic partnership holds considerable promise for the future, providing a framework for sustained economic growth and mutual prosperity. Such developments are pivotal, including for stakeholders in the furniture and home goods industries, highlighting significant opportunities in a diversifying global market where quality standards and technological innovation are at the forefront.

This event not only strengthens bilateral relations but also showcases Uzbekistan’s proactive approach in fostering international economic relationships, which is crucial for its strategic integration into the global economy.

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